There are many breed dog clubs
For the open-minded, responsible Doggenowner the DDC is the right address.
In the oldest dog breed club in Germany about 4.000 Doggenfriendsr are united.
The DDC is also a member of the Eu.DDC, an association of national doggenclubs.
Of course, a board alone is not enough. Therefore, there are 12 provincial groups that represent our club in the hole country.
Even we have approximately 60 local groups. Certainly there is a local group in your area.
For information, please contact our secretary.
For 56 € a year, there is the main membership with club magazine
For only 21 € a year family members are admitted, of course without a magazine
For only 12 € per year, adolescents up to the age of 16 can become members
Membership in the provincial Group is free of charge for both principal and family members
A one-off admission fee is 20 € for main members and 10 € for family members.
You can subscribe to the VDH magazine "Unser Rassehund" for us for 27.00 EUR.
The DDC has aroused your interest and you would like to use the club services? Then fill out our online membership application.
Pflichtfeld *
You also receive the membership application at:
Treasurer Erika Becker
Butzbacher Straße 14
35423 Lich Eberstadt
Telefon 06004 92280
Of course, the club board is available for further questions.